Let them wear blanket statements

Right wingers, this, this is what I just can't get over, they have absolutely no sense of humor. Humor, irony, they just give you a blank stare.

Schadenfreude, cannot even engage in schadenfreude with them. Just a blank stare. Hey, really, is anyone really surprised that schadenfreude is a German word? Oh my god, I just said something that's really offensive didn't I? Sorry.

Okay, but here's my question, how do you communicate, how can you communicate with people if you don't have a sense of humor? Think about it, being able to make others laugh does two things. First off, it's a form of self nurturing. Honestly, don't you feel better when you get a good snicker from someone else?

But also, aren't you, by making the person you're talking to laugh, isn't that a form of nurturing directed at them? It seems to me that by making another person laugh, in psychological terms, you're engaging in the monkey equivalent of grooming, you're helping them relieve whatever anxiety they may be feeling?

Monkey Grooming, huh? Is that a great name for your next album drop? Or does it reach the full on pinnacle of band name?

Frank Zappa, he explained to his son Dweezil, that soon he would have a little sister. He asked Dweezle, what should they name his little sister? Bone Sauce. They went with Moon Unit instead. Honestly, Bone Sauce is not without it's charms, but yeah, Moon Unit is much better.

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