Lets discuss our feelings..

I think everyone seriously needs to stop caring and move on. I've been following the game since it was announced of starmen.net by Chaisu, and I've never seen so many entitled whiny kids complaining in my entire life than I have here, which really says a lot since my mother ran a daycare out of our house.

People saying they deserve to know more about the game, get a demo, a release date, whatever are all just pathetic. The team doesn't have to do anything. They could just drop the project and stop working on it and never make another peep about it and that's fine. It's not YOUR project, it's not YOUR game. The team's never owed any of us anything and people need to accept that and stop thinking that we deserve this or that. If they accepted donations it'd be different but they don't.

Just wait, if it comes out; it comes out. Getting all anxious about it and bitching to everyone on the subreddit won't speed up the development of the game. It's seriously surprising the M4 team is even making the game anymore, if I was on the team and I saw how many people were whining and bitching here I'd want to quit. What's the point in making a fangame when pretty much all your fans do is complain?

But it's not just the people complaining that bother me, it's the people with the white knight attitudes that keep saying "take u tyme pls m4 team", "we believe in you m4 team". Then you open up the posts and they're no better than the people complaining in the first place. The content of those posts are exactly what the people complain say; just re-framed into a positive light.

I've really tried not to participate in these conversations because it never changes anything; the only way to stop this subreddit from staying this toxic is to beg the moderators like /u/MrMcKonz to start issuing one week bans for this shit, or come up with something to stop it. It sucks that the best place to see Mother 4 updates is also one of the most unbearable places on reddit.

/r/mother4 Thread