Let's Have A Discussion About Skepticism

Scepticism is a useful thing.

Unfortunately some people don't really seem to be sceptics...instead they know scepticism is "a good thing", so they just jump on the band wagon, and accept whatever seems to be trending on the scepticism subreddit...and accepting without qestioning what other people tell you, or without at least thinking about it, seems contrary to the spirit of scepticism.

I've seen people throw phrases around like "straw man" without seeming to understand what they're actually talking about.

I made an observation about something in a discussion with one guy and he told me it "wasn't a valid argument" - a very fine sounding phrase.

When I pointed out that that was because it wasn't an argument but an observation, he was completely flummoxed. He'd been using "not a valid argument" as a kind of club to win arguments without seeming to understand what an argument was.

Anyway I'd like to see less trend following, less band waggoning/ brigading, and more genuine scepticism.

/r/skeptic Thread