"Let's be fashionably EVIL!"

Please don't put words in my mouth. Sure there were evils on both sides, and there were legitimate problems for Germany that Hitler and the Nazis were able to co-opt in the promise of making things better for the German people. The treaty of Versailles was an abortion of a peace treaty as far as establishing lasting peace is concerned and drove Germany into Hitler's arms as their currency was used as confetti in times square. France was more worried about getting revenge than keeping peace, I'm not going to pretend that wasn't at least as evil as it was stupid. However the problems Syrians have in their country don't make ISIS or Assad just "misunderstood" and "totally not evil guys", and the same thing applies with the nazis.

It's like you're getting defensive about nazis being evil, which is very concerning since I was only worried people would think I was a nazi, not that someone would get uppity about treating sociopaths as evil. I'm not going to say other sides didn't commit evils too, Japanese Americans in concentration camps and pretty much anything the British did in India ever, but the systematic way nazi Germany did it is only rivaled by Maoist China and Soviet atrocities, at least in history anyone alive experienced. And even then I'd be willing to debate who takes first place for biggest piece of human garbage since whether systematic slaughter or negligent starvation mixed with regular purges is worse could be debated but that's far from my point.

That point about victors framing the narrative seems pretty ironic when your responding to an alternate history propaganda piece, like explaining the concept of a beat to a drummer. However just like the moon landing having happened, I can be pretty sure that human beings are too self interested to keep such a grand conspiracy as "Germany wasn't systematically exterminating Jews and other people Hitler and the government didn't like" or that "we eradicated all real history, every last bit, and replaced it with our propaganda once we won" Simply too many people were and would still be involved, and no one involved denied it only tried to justify it. It takes active ignorance to defend the nazis, and I don't mean ignorance as lack of information but and active refusal to acknowledge what has never been disputed by those who did it.

Morality isn't black and white, but that doesn't mean much here. Fascism is inherently authoritarian, xenophobic, and anti-individualist and it's supporters have never denied any of this, so I'll rest easy knowing that it has nothing postive to give the world. Fascism is anti-fascist propaganda, nothing needs to made up to make it look bad. Germany was pushed into a bad position, it shouldn't have been, but that doesn't make them not objectively shitty based just on what they stood for.

/r/evilbuildings Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com