Let's just give a huge shout out to this (deleted) scene from Batman Forever

My take:

West - Moore.

  • A more comedic take on the part. Very tongue-in-cheek and plays up the playboy persona. While silly for some, he does make the character his own and he did a lot to the popularity of the character. Still closely associated with the role.

Keaton - Connery.

  • Because he is the first movie Batman and he'll propably be associated with the role till the end. Somewhat close to the source material, but does his own thing. Did some classic films and is fondly and often remembered as the best of them all.

Kilmer - Brosnan.

  • Trying to mix the lighter and darker aspects of the character and bringing the franchise back in a big way, but unfortunately it's the material that doesn't do him any favours. Kilmer never really established his Batman, who does feel like an uneven character tone wise.

Clooney - Lazenby.

Often criticized because of his wooden and dull performance. The film wasn't as big of a success as the others and Clooney's Batman is often considered the worst, but perhaps slightly underratef.

Bale - Craig.

  • A more modern, gritty and real take on the part. Brought the franchise back to a serious, tough ground from a silly place and established propably the darkest take on the character on screen yet. Sticking quite close to the source Material, but still doing his own thing, to set him apart from the others. The films are considered some of the best of the franchise and the actor is praised in the part.

Affleck - Dalton.

From what we've seen, Affleck's performance is going to take the source material into heavy notice. A dark, troubled character, who is exactly like the character in modern Batman comics. Just like Dalton was closest to the Bond of the books.

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