let's keep this discussion civil. tell me your opinions.

what fitz tweeted the other day, was one of the most immature and irresponsible things I've seen a content creator say.

yes, his and the majority of the misfits content is based off of offensive jokes and what not, but come on. it's old. it's not funny anymore. "hAhAhA slurs and n words funny! not racist cause I'm making a joke!!"

its not just the 15 year olds and smplive fans calling them out anymore. other grown adults, people who don't even know them or their content, who find this behavior disgusting. I definitely find it disgusting as well.

normally I would respect that they wouldn't want to share their opinions, like that's totally whatever. but for all of this stuff with George Floyd breaking out a day after fitz tweeted he's not sorry for saying slurs and the n word, and for the misfits account to make a genuinely insensitive, unfunny, badly timed joke about being fucking racists, and then stay silent? it looks really bad, and I really don't have any respect for them right now.

/r/misfits Thread Link - i.redd.it