Let's make a list of the things that slightly or drastically reduced your ADHD/Anxiety symptoms

Dear, PM_ME_YOUR_TOOL: Thank you for asking. This gives me a chance to express my experience.to others and maybe help.** About me: I have had depression and anxiety my entire life. Both my daughter and I have ADHD. Recovering Alcoholic. (4-5 glasses of wine per day after work). Experienced from treating my daughter and myself.** My Experience: Once I gave up drinking, my anxiety immediately went away. One can research the relationship on-line. Those with ADHD have a higher risk of alcoholism. When I drank, life sort of stopped for me, I was not handling life nor prepared for the next day. This caused drastic anxiety. The chemicals themselves caused me a very hightened feeling of depression. I did not know where it came from. No reason to be depressed. It was like a roller coaster. Once I stopped and cleared my mind, these feelings went away. Just saying. One can research the link of Alcohol and Depression on-line. Also, Anti Depressants and Alcohol do not mix. The result is a roller coaster. With me, I drank to rid myself of depression and anxiety. Little did I knowmy drinking caused it!**

I just wish to encourage anyone with depression who drinks to just experiment for 1 week. Who knows.

/r/adhd_anxiety Thread Parent