Let's organize a strike

Because I don't see how striking against my hospital helps anyone, seeing as how my hospital has been doing a good job providing us PPE and giving us time off in between rotations.

Because if the NRMP algorithm came up with a slightly different result maybe you'd be literally fuckin dead right now like they are? Or one of your classmates and close friends would be? And if you were in that situation, do you think you'd be advocating for only you and the other residents at your hospital going on strike, telling everyone else "nah, it's okay, your hospitals seem great so you guys keep going to work, we'll put our careers at risk all on our own"?

It seems bizzare to me to see someone so blatantly focused on what's going on with them while ignoring the bigger picture. If ONLY residents that are being mistreated/put at risk go on strike, then there will be absolutely no chance for systemic change. More likely than not, they'd simply get fired and have their career prospects forever obliterated, because they didn't want to give up their lives during residency...

/r/Residency Thread Parent