Lets Solve This Shit! > www.awnlcg9zzwlkb24.com

Ok, I'm about two hours in at this point.

At first I thought maybe it was a ceaser cipher with the numbers in the domain name being the key, but I got nothing.

I tried looking up the domain in the whois database, but they paid to have it hidden.

I thought maybe either the binary put in base64, or the domain would be a form of ROT deception, just because of how meta that would be, but I got nothing.

Also, OP, your base64 is wrong, it should be, (for seperation at 4 bits)


and for seperation at 8 bits


Some other things I have done with the info given are:

The binary converted to 4 bit decimal:

10 5 9 2 11 1 9 2 10 5 11 8 10 5 9 5 10 5 9 2 11 1 9 2 10 5 10 14 10 5 9 5 10 5 9 2 10 13 9 2 10 5 11 8 10 9 9 5 10 5 9 2 11 1 9 2 10 5 11 8 10 5 9 4 10 5 9 2 10 13 9 2 10 5 11 8 10 5 9 5 10 5 9 2 11 1 9 2 10 5 11 1 12 2 12 2 15 2 15 5

summed up that is 731

The binary from the page in hex is


and in decimal is


/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread