Lets have some fun (Part 2)! Post your first 200-300 words (first page) of a novel/book/story that you've writen and let others reply if they would turn the page or not

This is a story about people. 52 of them to be exact. However, the stage must first be set by the original 12 characters in this story, before the others join our ever-growing cast. As the story unravels, their roles will be revealed. There will be many types of characters; some with powers, some aliens, some with mutations, and some as normal as you or me. But let’s not waste more time, and jump directly into the story…

4/29/12, 2:55 in the morning

Adan Brozim is walking around the streets in the middle of the night. There’s no one around, of course, except for a couple stray dogs. Street lights and porch lamps give him a dim light to see by as he wanders the sidewalks of his suburban hometown. He has no clear destination, nor any good reason to be walking. He tells himself it’s an act of defiance, of rebellion, but who would he be defying or rebelling against? His mother? His many siblings? He has no reason, but he walks anyway, a black hoodie covering his long red hair. A car drives past, a rarity on this side street in a small town, especially in the middle of the night. He doesn’t bother hiding from the headlights, knowing that the driver wouldn’t recognize him.

He flinches as a dog starts barking as he walks past a gray house with blue shutters. He tries to see if he can recognize who lives there, but he lives on the other side of town. The dog stops barking as he passes the house and approaches main street. He flips off the shitty asian food place that disappointed several of his friends that live in the area, and probably brought some business to the nearby burger place.

He turns right, passing the elementary school, then a convenience store. A car lot. A liquor store. Another convenience store. By the time he passes the laundromat, it occurs to him that he’s started walking home. Intent on keeping his “rebellion” going, he decides to turn right at the pizzeria towards the school instead of forwards to go home. His watch beeps as he passes the gas station, signaling that he’s now thirteen. He feels a surge of energy pass through him, which he attributes to turning into a teenager.

He walks across the street on the red light— seemingly the only one that this light is capable of showing, very few have had the privilege of seeing it green. As he passes the pizzeria, he sees a flash of red light behind him. He turns around, trying to find the source. He sees it follow him, in the corner of his eye. He looked in the darkened window at his reflection, and is astounded at what he sees.

Long, red wings with no width extend from his back, glowing slightly in the darkness. They go straight through his clothes with no damage. He steps back in shock when he sees them. After the shock wears off, one thought remains. Awesome.

/r/writing Thread