Let's have some fun. Three people who come up with the best comment to this post will get some awards from me. Let's go!

Here’s 2 fun facts

1.) Wolverines use their non-retractable claws not just to bury food but also to build dens; females dig as deep as 15 feet into snow to create burrows for their young. But the claws aren't just good for digging: They also allow the animals to climb trees.

2.) Judith Love Cohen was an American Aerospace Engineer who worked on the Hubble Space Telescope, the Apollo Space Program, and many others. It is said that during her pregnancy she still worked vigorously and made sure to keep up with her work. She even brought work with her when she was going through labor so that she could finish it on time. It is said that she completed equations needed for NASA shortly after giving birth to her son, Thomas Jacob Black, also know as Jack Black.

/r/u_AJRksntap Thread Link - i.imgur.com