Let's Make a Starting Village

Hut 19- Home of Gholam Rostani, former paladin.

At just shy of six feet, Gholam is your sort of Vietnam vet neighbor type. A tan skinned human that would be comical if not so sad, Gholam fought in some great war of the past that his Paladin order took an interest in. The things he saw fighting for what he believed to be the noble path have left him a shell of his former self, but his loyalty to cause and country never died. While his adventuring and crusading days are now far behind him, he virtuous talk and ability to rouse the spirits of those around him to bravery remain strong; hiding what is inside a scarred and scared man. Though the town and the people may not know the word for it, Gholam obviously suffers from PTSD, and attacks on the town can have one of two effects; sending him into a panicked frenzy, grabbing his old ill-attended to weapon, or into a fearful fit where he may hide under his bed calling for his past comrades long dead. If it is questions about the past, what to expect in times of war, or tactics used by enemies, Gholam is your man. But expect some rambling and old war stories.

/r/DnDBehindTheScreen Thread