mask meme

You seem super determined to throw out insults or catch >me in a "Gotcha" situation where you being an angry, >assuming & insulting little asshole makes you right or >somehow personally justified for how you live your life.

You think the Mask meme is a direct insult to you?

I have expanded a few points alright. Fucking technology right? Being able to add in an extra line on reddit should be a crime.

You're deliberitly changing the context and narative of a discussion after it was had. Specifically to make your points look more thought out and better phrased than they were at the time.

Literally rewriting what you said in a discussion with me, for the sole benefit of other people who might be reading it after the conversation. And all for either a perceived better opinion of you or some imaginary internet points?

And do you think that is perfectly normal behavior?

You're an irrelevant old man

I'm frightfully relevant to some people. If only you knew.

But hey, again... If filing me into that little box and continuing your exercise of mental dismissal makes you feel better? go for it.

It's super unhealthy and not how humans are generally meant to operate... It leads to persecution complexes, deep unresolved anger, relationship issues, narcissism, victim delusions, etc... But who the fuck am I to tell you how to be well adjusted and rational? I'm just some guy on the internet that you've decided to insult repeatedly, dislike, dismiss, get angry with & then go through the cycle all over again.

You live the life you want to live!

If you want to keep being the same person that you are now forever? Literally having to rewrite your own history after an event. Being convinced that you know someone elses motivation & reasoning without ever asking them a question. Choosing which things are completely irrelevant to you based on nothing more than your emotional state at the time?

Well that's entirely up to you.

These are all conscious decisions that you'll make with your life.

Wonder if it'll turn out how you think? Or I wonder if you'll always have someone else to blame for the situation that your in?

Time will tell I guess.

/r/ireland Thread Parent