Let's talk about the "alt right"

warning signs of contemporary fascism: •complaints about feminism / "skeletons" / "cultural Marxism" •support for Ben Carson, Donald Trump •authoritarianism •use of the word "cuck" and derivatives •sympathy or support for GamerGate •fan of anime/manga/hentai, to a disturbing, obsessive extent •complains about how Syrians are "polluting" Europe, often says "Yurop" is a shithole •fans of Milo Yiannopolous •readers of Breitbart news •sadboy/tfw no gf type personality •read blogs about neomasculinity, sometimes associate with legal rape groups and "men's rights activists" •often former libertarians, New Atheists, traditionalist Christians, pagans •wore a fedora at one point •uses memes to communicate •belligerent and often make everything into a joke, lines between sincerity and irony are blurred •can be found in large numbers on Reddit, commenting on Anthony Fantano videos, and in particular, on 4chan •overly concerned with issues of paranoia, such as terrorism, Zika virus, etc •concerned with "racial purity", "white genocide" •believes that the "liberal media" and academics are conspiring to institute Marxism •favorite musicians are probably vaporwave artists, other EDM and Death Grips, otherwise they jerk off to classical music, some like black metal •not particularly conservative so much as they are statist and reactionary •favorite philosophers are Nietzsche and Heidegger •"Dark Enlightenment" and "Alt Right" •Metapedia •usually young, white men, often with undercuts, mostly live on the west coast, almost always of continental European ancestry minus France, rarely have heritage in the British Isles •profile pictures usually of Greco-Roman statues, Knights Templar, or anime characters •use keyword search to attack opponents on social media •implicitly or explicitly support social Darwinism •very aggressive in opposition to modern, and even more so, postmodern art •glorification of war as a right of passage/manly duty; "war is to man as motherhood is to woman", etc. •never actually enlisted members of any armed forces •as violent in their opposition to the traditional, establishment right wing as exemplified by Jeb Bush as they are against the left wing •either woefully unhealthy, or obsessed with their image to the extreme of bodybuilding •proclaim to be "against politics" •almost never grew up in conservative households or red states •most prominent tactic is that of culture jamming / trolling •spend a lot of time watching other people play video games •most arguments they use employ the naturalist fallacy •opposed to modernism in culture as "decadent", yet consume many of its products like video games and anime •advocate a nostalgia for a hierarchical, sometimes aristocratic past, yet also use modernist tactics and ideas quite a lot, supporting industry, Fordism and Taylorism, and their machine like operation and efficiency, as opposed to traditional libertarian agrarianism (perhaps despite their opposition to it, they are the ultimate postmodernists?) •often not confederates or slavery advocates, but support "white country for white people", think "outsiders" should be deported to their "native homes" •frequent use of the ideas of "shame", "disgust", and clear, black and white "if you don't win you lose" dichotomous thinking in their rhetoric •if they don't shut up, just start telling them that video games aren't an art form and they'll short circuit

/r/socialism Thread