Let's talk about Dr. Drew.

Its just my opinion and i mean no disrespect. We can all have an opinion and still care about this community and each other. Please know i do care and come from a place of love.
For me, i want to see a better effort at professionalism on the live show. Neither host shows any passion for the social issues that are important and ok to discuss with love and passion. If they cannot care how will society?
The show can be an important vehicle for social change but is widely mocked as trash tv. Anyone who really understands the struggle some women face to access basic health care knows this.
There is a story of a woman i will never forget who gave up hope and could no longer find the light when she learned she had to medically terminate her pregnancy. Her baby had no heart or lungs, but because of phasing out access to planned parenthood it was not handled in a humane way. She wasnt allowed to immediately terminate her pregnancy she was forced to carry it for a painfully long time. When she finally found a facility it was not in her state, driving days that she couldnt afford to lose. When she finally arrived their were protesters shaming her as a whore not knowing her circumstances. It broke her ; spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. Our world can do better in this country for women.
Never doubt your importance on reddit. Our media combs through these comments for content. We can let them off the hook or call Morgan Freeman on his bluff on wanting to use this as a tool for social change. He doesnt even know the power he has to help society and has lost focus. I can and will support both hosts when they project the emotion of caring genuinally for the gravity of real problems facing women who have limited recources. Teen mom is a subsidiary of the most wealthy media conglomerate perhaps in the world. If they dont care, how will society? I know i have heard others who read their indifference.
I dont hang here out of hate, but out of hope and belief that redditors are intelligent compassionate funny and brave. You just have to ask yourself if you want to accept the way things are or resist.
I will probably mocked and hated for this but I am going down with my beliefs that we can be an important voice. Why else would anyone care about teen mom? For the record though, its probably just my daddy issues.✌✌✌✌

/r/teenmom Thread