Let's talk about the future of this subreddit

I believe that a more hands on approach in terms of your moderation is needed.

There have been several instances of harassment here and I feel that issue is still not fully addressed. I have been in communication with the both of you and as of yet have not received a satisfactory answer to my concerns.

Harassment on Reddit is defined as systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person conclude that reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

The best example I can give of harassment is this post where /u/bigduke7 harassed someone to the point of deleting their comment. In my eyes the user that deleted their post no longer sees /r/postmates as a safe place to express their opinions. This bulling of anyone with an opinion differing from the 'Fuck Postmates for taking my delivery fee' and automatically labeling them a 'corporate shill' needs to stop. It has gotten to the point that the next harassing post or comment I see, I am planning to contact the admin team because you as mods have failed the community.

I received this message from your counterpart /u/garbageplay;

If I may ask, what is your proposed solution to this? I may consider warnings, but I am not going to censor someone just because they are angry and being an ass. Yes, he's an idiot, does that give me the right to ban/censor what he has to say? Absolutely not.

To me it seems he has missed the entire concept of moderating a subreddit. it is up to the both of you to ensure that the discussion follows the rules of reddit and the self made rules of /r/postmates, namely professionalism.

I think that when a representative of postmates such as /u/russelcook is bold enough to venture into the lion's den here, he should be treated with respect and professionalism. I know if I said half the things others said about him in here, I would no longer be employed.

Please be more active so we can have quality content and a subreddit worth subscribing to.

/r/postmates Thread