Let's talk about Jade build variants

GR Progression

6p Jade Endless Walk Unity / R.o.Emptiness (one equipped, one cubed) Lakumbra Ornaments Transcendance Sacred Harvester, Vile Hive Furnace / Quetzlcoatl / R.o.Emptiness(or Unity) B.o.Stricken, B.o.Trapped, Esoteric

Taking that as the baseline build; I find Jade to be one of the better gold farm builds due to the fact the Belt, Ring(unity), & Esoteric are only present for toughness problems in the upper GRs. The other meta-current WD builds make some significant sacrifice to sub in boon of the hoarder for esoteric, avarice band, wormwood for furnace, & gold wrap for immortality.

For this reason Jade is one of the best, if not the best, t13 farming rifts & bounties AND gold farming. I've seen people sub in-geom, even manajumas. I think these individuals forget you're getting an extra 25% permanent move speed by having an extra five stacks of soul harvest w/ jade.

Sure; its not as fast as Manajumas+Helltooth but it does a better job of farming quickly and earning gold with boon+avarice. No other build variations are really worth mentioned because jade doesn't do anything else particularly well.

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