Let's talk about the new characters going to be added

Random guess? For Q Caira, there's not that many words that start with Q, so her name is probably somewhere at the top of this list: https://www.morewords.com/most-common-starting-with/qu/. My best guess is quantum, because in her OG bio, it says she specializes in quantum physics. With the druid hint, maybe she'll be another "experiment gone wrong", a la Kala? If she stays consistent with TRS pattern, abilities will stay basically the same but with a higher skill cap upgrade, like maybe buffing attack speed rather than movent speed (time shift? Quantum leap?) R Abe + atomic hint leads me to rocket Abe (silhouette shows bandana so maybe redneck Abe?). Tracking dart is so core to his kit, I'm not sure how they change that, but I would bet they add damage to his stuff and remove cc potential, similar to Griff. I bet Power Parnell has a major change to"Super Soldier" giving it an additional drawback (no mobility like Bastion in overwatch?) or flipping it around (bonus health but hits slower, or with melee Lennox). Silhouette looks beefier, maybe robotic? No doubt about it, question marks are spooky new wraith. In the original game, wraith was the assassin of the tank/wizard/assassin trio, and since they flipped kraken into being melee wizard, I don't think it's a stretch to imagine flipping spooky wraith into ranged assassin. Imagine decoy traps that are more like turrets, replacing abductions with a trap, a supernova that you can throw that makes all your hits crit, and a reverse warp blast that leaves behind an explosion of they get too close. I think it'd be awesome.

/r/EvolveGame Thread