Let's talk about regret

My highest was 247 pounds. I'm super super short, so that didn't look good on me. I gave up on life, I tried sooooooo many diets but couldn't keep them up and never saw results. When I changed medications. One of the side effects was appetite loss. I started eating less and and watched the scale. When the pounds started coming off I got crazy excited and that started my motivation. I hate exercising, so I just eat very little. I eat just enough food to take my pills with and not get a stomach from them, and then I don't eat for the rest of the day. When I get hungry I down a bottle of water. The first two weeks sucked because of hunger pains, but the water usually takes care of that. I have cut sugar out and I eat a lot of meat. Sugar has been very hard to cut, and I catch myself all the time going for it. My diet is a very bad diet, but I'm desperate to lose weight. Once I get down enough I may start exercising. I DO NOT recommend this diet to anyone. But to answer your questions, this is what started motivating me.

/r/loseit Thread