Let's talk about trolls

Just read a wiki article on it. I won't bother linking as I don't really care to hold your hand that much.

Could you at least explain to me what your point is?

Wah wah. I don't really care to argue with you because you're so fucking hostile. When my kid asks me if god is real, I'm going to tell them, "that's what some people think, what do you think?".

That's actually a very good way of handling it.

I apologize if I came off hostile. I feel that most atheists are hostile during my interactions with them, and it's somewhat exhausting. I can't have a discussion on any atheist subreddit without getting down-voted to the point where I have to wait several minutes before I can respond. It doesn't matter what I say. If it's even remotely theistic, I get down-voted and belittled. I'm not trying to sound whiny, because it is the internet after all, but it is disappointing that a place that has the potential for fantastic open-minded discussion and debate is basically the opposite. I try to be respectful, but I think I reached a breaking point, and I took it out on you.

I get it, you're a "new-age" the-de-ist, and you have your own spirituality...and I could really give a shit.

Yeah, pretty much. I grew up Christian and then began studying religion in college. As a result, I lost my faith in Christianity (my family really only attended church on holidays anyways). So, I began referring to myself as agnostic. Studying religion and spirituality became a passion of mine. For a while, I think my goal was to point out the faults, holes, and contradictions in the Bible. However, at a certain point, my views changed. I didn't convert or anything like that, but I had an epiphany of sorts. I began seeing all religion (for the most part) in a different light. But I'm not here to share my beliefs. My goal has really been to make people more open-minded and respectful towards other people's beliefs.

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