Let's talk about the word "retard."

I stand by this definition. Ive met plenty of people who continue to argue just because they cant be proven wrong. When you have the facts and they wont yield so we can all move forward they are wasting time on earth slowing progress, retarding theyre own growth and mine.

Mentally handicapped people are naturally disabled, but theyre going as fast as they can. Thats not retarding its their best effort. I only use the word when its behavioral.

The issue with usage is that the word itself has been retarded by incorrect usage. Everyone thinks theyre right so you are dismissed as a retard when it becomes convienent. People of low intelligence use it against the mentally handicapped because its the only group they can feel more intelligent than. The mentally handicapped lead more challenging lives in many ways.

There are many words that are used to dismiss a viewpoint, lord over, talk down to.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent