Let's talk about working from home

Hmm. I've been trying to figure out a routine that involves the gym and currently it looks like getting up at 6 am and going to the gym, then coming home and showering/ getting dressed. I love getting up early but do not love leaving the house and driving to the gym when it's still dark out.

I also then have the full day stretched out in front out in front of me. My school work is super mentally draining (I basically read philosophy and history for 8 hours a day) and I have found lately that I take a short 20-min nap after lunch because of this. Maybe I will try using this time for the gym instead and see if it energizes me for the rest of the day! I think maybe I just need to be a little less hard on myself- if I don't get dressed for a few hours but am still getting work done perhaps it isn't such a big deal. You guys are inspiring me to be comfortable staying in my PJs!

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