Lets talk raid leading and being a productive raid member

Raid leader archetypes


That person who doesn't say much, maybe jokes around a bit, asks everyone if they know the fight, then just goes right ahead if everyone's ready.

Pros: Relaxed environment, makes for a chill time if you're steamrolling old content. If everyone is an individually competent player, things work out fairly well. For intermediate players, it gives them a chance to practice their skills without worrying too much about messing up.

Cons: You'll feel a little helpless or aimless if you keep wiping and the raid leader hasn't done anything to discuss strategy. You'll also get frustrated if other people aren't pulling their weight and the raid leader isn't doing anything about it.

Fury Destruction Flameo Hottman

That person who gets really pissed whenever someone messes up and isn't afraid to call anyone out if they do something wrong. They sometimes go over fights but more likely expects you to already know it. When explaining strategies they'll probably leave vague threats.

Pros: Unless a raid member has medical anxiety [which is actually not uncommon amongst WoW players] most people's individual play is really tightened up. When someone isn't pulling their weight, you'll likely not have to carry their burden for much longer. This type of raid leader may also be the type to call out their own mistakes, making their assertiveness feel fair.

Cons: Wiping is more exhausting than with other raid leaders, and your fear of messing up may actually prevent you from developing your skills [i.e. trying new things]. Alternate strategies might not come to light. Raiding might not actually be fun, even if you are successful. Also, if you mess up, you just might not be able to raid.

Daycare Teacher

That super positive person who explains fights to everyone in detail, who makes sure everyone is totally ready and on board, who gently suggests improvements to everyone as a whole but doesn't individually call anyone out.

Pros: If you have a good raid team, you'll wipe very infrequently in comparison to with other leaders. Everyone is on track, multiple strategies are tried, people can test out rogue builds, and fights that require teamwork are pretty easy to co-ordinate.

Cons: If you don't have good players, they will never leave your group, and you might actually be kicked if you're rude about it. If you have lazy players, they'll get to go under the radar despite messing up. Also: for some reason, raids go very, very slowly with this type of leader.

Math Teacher

That person who has done extensive research on every fight, and maybe even contributes to optimization theorycrafting themselves. This leader has calculated how everything is supposed to go, who looks at raid fights as a puzzle, and sees their team as the pieces.

Pros: If everyone is good at following orders, fights will feel surprisingly easy. You will have everything explained to you in detail. You won't have to worry about what to do -- only about actually doing it.

Cons: There's a lot of things to follow. While a Math Teacher's strategy may allow you to perfectly execute a fight without anyone dipping below 40% health, messing up is more likely to cause a ton of chaos. When people are given more vague rules, they're better able to interpret them in a way that works for them, and they're going into the fight expecting to improvise. When following super-strict rules, those improvisation skills go down. Also: more time talking about the fight than actually doing it.

Mime [Why Do We Have A Vent Anyway]


Pros: "..."

Cons: "..."

I think most people are a mix of these archetypes, and different people respond better to different styles. IMO you need to know your raid type in order to know how they'll best respond, and individual people need to be treated in different ways if you really want to push content.

/r/wow Thread