Let's talk travel. What's your favorite traveling tale? Or a destination you can't wait to make it to?

The most recent vacation was to Heidelberg. The most beautiful city in my own country, I love everything about it.

A destination I'd love to see one day is Antarctica, but I always find other ways and travels to spend my money. And I never really figured out if I would really want to spend so much money just for a vacation, it still seems a bit insane.

A story I love to tell, you asked? I was traveling to Istanbul. We arrived late at night, the airport on the Asian side of Istanbul. We slept in the entrance hall of the airport, first bus to the ferry port, first ferry to Europe was ours. We were practically alone on the ferry. Sunrise between two continents. No shouting, no "ohlookwhoadude". Nothing. Just two decades long kindergarten best friends smiling at each other, silently shaking hands.

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