[Letter]Could I potentially do a practice based Phd in Music through this online university?

You're right. I spent far too long formulating that post. It was maybe a waste of time although I'm feeling a bit clearer now.

The only reason I did the Masters was because I wanted an album. The only reason I'd do a PhD is because I want to put together a portfolio and maybe have the PhD as a nice little trophy on the side. I don't really care at all about either of my degrees, so why would I care about a PhD?

I think as far as the arts go it's not so scientific. Maybe I'm hoping the psychology would give it a little more credibility but I doubt it. There are aspects of music which I feel do have scientific credibility such as audio engineering, programming, music technology, but as far as the popular music side of things go then not so much. Some of the lecturers I've come across over the years are seriously musically inept. I guess I maybe saw myself combating that in the future. I can always do it when I'm 40 I guess.

I still need to do some soul searching, but first things first I'm going to get this piano album done, it's getting tuned tomorrow.

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