A Letter to Swedes From A Pakistani Girl.

No you are wrong. I have read the New Testament which Christianity is based on. It is based on Jesus teachings, it was supposedly a cult of his followings first. The New Testament is ALL about ethics and moral and rules. It is just that the rules are “If someone strikes you on your left cheek, turn the other cheek and let them strike you on the right one too”. “Love thy enemy”. That is pretty unique for many similar religions (like it’s cousin, Islam). The “golden rule” of Christianity is above every other law in the Old Testament, and that is “Treat others the way you want them to treat you”. Very far from “if someone breaks a treaty, find each and everyone of their people and kill them all”. “Unless they convert to your religion”. Too bad almost no churches practice the Christianity in the New Testament. Like the fascist Orthodox Church in Greece, or the paedophilia in the Catholic Church, the Gay haters in America, the witch hunters back in time in Europe, the colonisation and conversion of indegenous people and different people in general throughout the world, by missionaries. I have always criticised this, I didn’t used to criticise Islam too, because for some reason I thought all criticism of Islam was racist. However, I have started to realise I really want to treat people equal and as equals and not only criticise a now western religion and not a now also western religion. Islam must be the second largest religion in the West now after all. I see Wikipedia divides different categories of Christianity first, but they are all Christian, so after all of the different churches we have Islam as second.

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