As a level 500 player, I often get flamed.

I just started playing again a week ago , i took a long break from the reason of the teammates , everyone flames , nobody was friendly , i didn't listened to them when they told me to pick champion X and i got tilted really hard, i always had at least 3 gold medals and most of times POTG, but to be honest , if you lose , they don't really matter at all , i was thinking i'll never get out of this rank, i was Gold 2499 after i finished my placements and i start losing in row to 2000, then i decided to quit a bit, but yesterday i found the secret to get a good game and even to win it, You have to carry and be Friendly while doing it so people will help you and listen you. Just start the match friendly, be friendly to your teammates since first seconds of the game , start with something like "Hello guys , How are you?" ask them if they agree with what hero you picked, try to keep it friendly, if they don't like what you picked , ask them what them what Hero would they like you to pick, People will most likely listen and follow a friendly and a calm guy who is sociable , if you picked what they considered they can't really flame you, if someone does just ignore him , there's an option for that, also if he does i bet the team will defend you for being a good sport, sometimes there are some people who can't really control themselves.

/r/Overwatch Thread