Level 81 now...When do I start trying to craft items?

damn that headhunter in 4 days of the league starting and the mirror a week in must have magically appeared in my stash according to comments here since I was supposed to be losing money crafting :)

every time a thread about crafting appears just shows me how reddit doesn't know shit about poe crafting.

crafting is extremely profitable even with 2ex you just need the knowledge of whats popular this league, what combinations of mods will sell,if it's profitable and how much money are you making in the time spent.

a no, crafting jewels isn't the only profitable thing to do with little currency it's just the only thing most people know about. Theres at least 5 different things every league that I craft with profit with a lot of success, shields,weapons,rings and amulets, jewels, belts and that was profitable even BEFORE fossils came in to the game and with fossils it's even easier to craft good shit for cheap and make money it's just that you have to find out yourself what to craft because no one will share their crafting methods because even couple people learning about specific crafts will make it a lot less profitable.

So crafting IS profitable with not a lot of money its just that new players won't know what to craft and it's way better to just straight up buy stuff.

/r/pathofexile Thread