This level of hypocrisy is why I don't consider women to have empathy for human beings, and why I don't consider women to be people. They are hypocrites but can't see their own hypocrisy.

Well but you assumed that everybody who was in a relationship before will compare the future relationship with the old one. So if you have one relationship which fails, will you then be unfit to have a second one, ever? Because you would compare it with the first one? Or how many relationships can a person have before the new one is obsolote?

Me neither. I too think that sex should be something a little bit more, a little bit intimate and personal. Many people think this way, many don't. But if you say that you could get desensitized to sex as well as any other human, can you really blame a girl for doing the same thing? I mean, yes, many girls are often unfaithful or worse, but if you are a faithful girl, who is in a loving relationship with tons of sex, that doesn't work out after a couple years for some other reason than the girl cheating - the man cheats, dies, whatever, people breakup for random shit all the time - is it really your fault that you had a lot of sex?

Also, sorry if my questions make you uncomfortable. I am trying to figure out your point of view so I can perhaps better understand you.

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