Lewandowski reads out some comments under women's football posts on International Women's Day

I played Mens' University football and the best player I saw across the mens and women's team was actually a woman (shock horror to many) who I later became friends with through other mutual contacts.

It was a shame that when I told my male friends that she was a very good player and I thought that she was the best I'd seen at the University football ground, the men's team berated her and called her shit, which was upsetting to her.

It was at that moment I realised the level of misogny that exists around women's football and about their playing level when I thought it was best to support them and provide facilities for them to develop their game. Unironically, these were the same men that had sisters and girlfriends with a playing interest in the sport so I have no idea what they were thinking in the first place to even make such a comment.

Sad times, to be honest.

/r/soccer Thread Link - v.redd.it