LF slow burn, enemies to lovers, but with specifics.

I loved MOAM, but had to read it in one 4/5 day run, otherwise I would’ve forgotten details. Basically, Hermione has left the ministry and is working as a healer who specializes in 1:1 care. Draco is a single father to scorpius, I think he’s an Auror? Anyway, Hermione ends up working for the Malfoys in a medical capacity. It’s a very slow burn, characters are all in their thirties. There’s great friendships throughout (the Hermione/Pansy friendship made it such that I always want to see H/P friendship from now on), I love Ginny, this kids in the fic are sooo cute. There is a more ~dangerous~ plot that develops in the fic, but I can’t remember if it’s a spoiler, so I won’t list it here.

Very slow burn, but kind of spoiler: >!there is a good bit where they’re in a secret relationship. If you’re into that, it’s good; if it just has to be they are not in a relationship till they are, then it might not be the fic for you. However, there's a lot going on on the sides, so it might be ok.<!

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