LGBTQ+ Mega Thread

I don’t know what to tell you man. The term intersex is a outdated term for a reason. The simple answer is that it’s a misleading term.

“They could happen to anyone, and are actually more common than you might think. You may have heard DSD called terms such as "intersex" or "hermaphrodite" or "pseudohermaphroditism." However, a meeting of international experts reached consensus that the term "disorders of sex development" should replace those terms.”

“Intersex" was originally a medical term that was later embraced by some intersex persons. Many experts and persons with intersex conditions have recently recommended adopting the term "disorders of sex development" (DSD). They feel that this term is more accurate and less stigmatizing than the term intersex.”

“Disorders of sexual development (DSD) were defined in the Chicago Consensus, 2006 as congenital conditions in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal and anatomical sex is atypical [2].”

See that consensus and some people with these conditions were fine with the changes.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread Parent