Liberal Millionaires Say 'Tax Me!'

It is, when the democrats are essentially bigger govt progressives. And the democrats and left are now protecting the fed central bank from Rand Paul.

What? Another random inflammatory statement.

Worth noting that Rand Paul is fucking nuts so I would protect my worst enemy from him. Which is really neither here nor there.

It is when it's institutionalized.

You've provided no proof that inflation is a result of economic theories championed by Democrats.

You said it was the liberals' fault. I showed that inflation has been relatively even regardless of who's in charge, with a few expected blips here and there.

Demands for higher min wages prove you incorrect.

I have no idea what you're saying.

People are demanding higher minimum wages because they haven't increased with inflation and their buying power has decreased as a result. P.S. it's the conservatives who will not entertain a serious discussion about increasing minimum wage, which would, based on all historical data, have little to no negative impact on job numbers but increase the amount of money moving in the economy.

The middle class will always bear the brunt. Especially after you kill the golden goose rich.

There's no such thing as the golden goose rich. Historically, the economy has been healthier when the rich have paid more in taxes, and it has not statistically reduced their willingness to invest in economically sound business endeavors.

They require no protection from anyone, and the only tangible outcome of decreasing their tax burden is that they stockpile additional wealth to leave to their descendants. There is no proof that reducing the tax burden on the wealthy has any "trickle down" effect which vitalizes the economy.

In fact, if you look at the distribution in gains of wealth since 2008, you can see that it's almost entirely been gobbled up by the richest Americans and that the overall economy is no healthier.

If poorer people had more money, they'd spend more money, boosting demand and stimulating growth. Supply-side has been debunked by just about every responsible economist at this point, and it's a shame that people still hang onto it as something valuable.

Except you already said we've been hurting since 2007! Try and keep up with your own arguments!

And QE is a measure designed to reduce the hurt, or at the very least prevent it from getting worse. Without QE we would've seen a marked increase in inflation, which would drastically hurt the buying power of poor and middle class Americans, and have a drastic negative effect on the economy.

So there's no keeping up with anything. I said that you're wrong to say that QE hurts the poor and middle class. It helps them. So their money is being spent, relatively modestly, to protect their buying power in the market.

I'm not interested in further debating selfish people wanting to steal from their neighbors, neighbors already hurting to pay their mortgages, so they can get free and subsidized HC.

I'm not interested in further debating with selfish "I've got mine, fuck everyone else in society who I actually depend on for my lifestyle but cannot acknowledge" asswipes who are absolutely a cancer on this fucking country.

p.s. I'm upper middle class, am in the band of income where I pay the most outsized share of my income in taxes (too wealthy to get the tax breaks aimed at the poor, and not wealthy enough to exploit all the loopholes and benefits for the rich). I'm okay with paying more so long as that money goes to make society better and ultimately improve our country and my own standard of living.

I'm not too proud to admit that the people who collect my garbage, make my hamburgers, fix my water main if it breaks, do electrical work in my house if needed, etc. etc. etc. are all important links in the chain that enables my very comfortable lifestyle, and I don't think I am more entitled to good health or stability than they are.

I am entitled to more, and nicer, luxuries as my skillset is less common and in higher demand, but I will readily grant that there is more of a difference than just my access to luxuries. It's the things like quality healthcare, access to good food (poor people tend to be forced to buy cheaper, less nutritious food, which just further disadvantages them and their children versus me and mine), etc. that measurably improve my quality of life that I would rather see provided more equally to everyone.

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