The Liberalness of Reddit

Fuck niggers, and every worthless shitskin on Earth. Yes, the women too. Yes, the muslims and half-breeds too. I'd say the same about the Jews and the Irish.‬

I'll be frank with you. There's literally zero chance I ever change even one letter of one syllable of one word of one sentence of one statement I made on racial differences, race relations, and white supremacy. So you might was well go ahead and try to ban me, and we'll both go our separate ways with my thanks.

I am not making one concession for Africans and African-Americans. I'll die first. Literally. I have made peace with my existence and I am prepared to die. I'm so absolutely sick of media-numbed cuckolds, cowed and self-righteous welfare queens, their grandfathered-in media strangleholds, their intellectually corrupt tactics and methods, the miserable damage they see no problem inflicting, their fucking bullshit politics (I'm looking at you, Al Sharption, you rusty left-wing race baiter. So much for me ever watching MSNBC again) and the ALL-ENCOMPASSING STUPIDITY about which they remain UTTERLY OBLIVIOUS. I'm not the one making light of the Final Solution. In fact I'm using the suggested punishment fittingly because I honestly and without hesitation think that each and every one of these fucking niggers should be tossed into Treblinka. Right now you're probably gasping and saying "How dare you say such a thing?!"

Well, I'll tell you how. I consider blacks to be a complete disgrace and I'm tired of it. Tired, tired, tired, tired, tired. This is the last straw for me. When fellow race realists received media recognition for their statements that intended to discuss the problems facing whites in the world stage, and as a white, I saw it as the silent majority of right-thinking folks finally finding a horse to back. It was one of the most happy events I could have imagined. They got hundreds of times the eyes and ears they expected. It was a great and heart-warming outpouring of support for God’s truly chosen people. A topic millennia overdue for discussion.

'Finally', I thought. 'The worm is turning. Finally, people might start understanding what whites have suffered at the hands of niggers and media kikes since the dawn of 20th century.' We all know that 6,000,000 Jews died horrific deaths in the Holocaust- a fitting fate and the greatest single extermination of a cultural/religious demographic in world history. 200,000 of those were probably shitskins themselves, but for your sake let's just forget that. Let's assume they were just magical ethnic/religious Jews with no other characteristics like race. So, 6 million suffered a fitting fate and yes, if I could sacrifice my life to further torture those rats, I would do it in a nanosecond. But I wasn't alive to do that, or capable in any case, and those filthy Jews had to spend 15 years under this righteous torture. It is one of history's greatest triumphs. Ask anyone and it will be one of the first events they name. In triumvirate with the betrayal of Jesus Christ and the destruction of the World Trade Towers, it is taught as the great moral exemplar. I am not oblivious to these events. In fact, I am well-studied in their specifics, and hold a deep interest in the history, macro and micro, lens pulled out, lens pulled close.

/r/SRSDiscussion Thread