The liberals are going to oppress our religious freedom with GINGERBREAD HUMMMUS!

I didn’t “act like” anything. Grow up. Stop inferring things that aren’t there.

I simply said that when yanks say “The Holidays” they are referring to their 2 biggies (Thanksgiving & Christmas), whereas we in the UK only have 1 biggie (Christmas) during that time.
I didn’t realise that I had to list every holiday celebrated by every single person in the country no matter how tiny the percentage to satisfy sad little pedants like you.

No one says “happy holidays” in the UK because the overwhelming majority of people in the UK celebrate 1 winter holiday - Christmas.
There’s nothing rude about that at all.
If you said “happy Eid” to a Muslim they wouldn’t kick off about how you’re disrespecting Christians, a Sikh wouldn’t get pissy about ignoring Buddhists because you said “happy Vaisakhi”.

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