Liberals, what conservative things do you agree on? Conservatives, what kind of liberal things do you agree on? [serious]

I’m very liberal, but I don’t like political correctness. People use it as a lazy mechanism to “win” debates. Basically, someone says something incorrectly, they get labeled a racist/homophobe/misogynist/etc, then the debate ends because they are too busy defending themselves to argue the original point.

I believe in emotional correctness. I try to read the situation and see if that person is meaning to be hurtful or if they’re just genuinely ignorant and trying to figure out how to say what they mean. It’s honestly not that hard to tell the difference. Tone is a big part of it.

Also, I can’t stand cancel culture. Don’t get me wrong! If it comes out that you used to rape people or killed someone, then screw you; that’s unforgivable. But if you used to say something that was pretty common to say at the time (example: used to say “that’s gay” before people realized it wasn’t nice to say...), then I’m not going to crap on you for it. If you’ve changed and grown, then I accept who you are today and won’t hate you for who you used to be. That’s entirely forgivable in my eyes, and I don’t want your career destroyed because you were basically doing what everyone else did at the time.

/r/AskReddit Thread