Libertarian claims there's no evidence that fracking operations cause any harm. Gets ripped to shreds in comments so he tries to move the goal posts by saying there are no scientific studies. Gets destroyed some more so he scurries back to SSS for support

thanks for joining us. !

Even the fake legitimate studies on this are bullshit.

Who decides the legitimacy of studies? You? Who decides if they are fake? You? Are you a scientist? An engineer? An EPA inspector?

Would you consider these fake or illegitimate?

“Fracking,” the common name for hydraulic fracturing is widely used to extract oil and gas, particularly from deep shale formations. A single well requires the use of millions of gallons of water and tons of sand. Air sampling results show that the majority of silica levels at hydraulic fracturing sites were above the Occupational Safety and Health Administration allowable standard and 84% were above Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s new proposed standard. These exposure levels put workers, particularly sand mover operators and T-belt operators who had the highest levels, at risk of silicosis and the other silica-related conditions of lung cancer, end-stage renal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, and connective tissue disease. Because of the fracking industry’s demand for silica, sand mining has markedly increased, which has also increased the number of workers at risk of developing silicosis and other silica-related conditions in the mining industry…. Given the long latency, 20 or more years, of most silica-related health conditions and the fact that fracking did not become widely used until the 2000s, it may be years before health care providers see clinical-related disease in their practices.”

“We examined associations between maternal residential proximity to [natural gas development] and birth outcomes in a retrospective cohort study of 124,842 births between 1996 and 2009 in rural Colorado. We calculated inverse distance weighted natural-gas well counts within a 10-mile radius of maternal residence to estimate maternal exposure…. Conclusions: In this large cohort, we observed an association between density and proximity of natural gas wells within a 10-mile radius of maternal residence and prevalence of [congenital heart defects] and possibly [neural tube defects]. Greater specificity in exposure estimates is needed to further explore these associations.”

Here's a whole laundry list of scientific studies that show the obvious dangers of fracking.

How about this one that links flammable drinking water to fracking?

Or the BSSA study on fracking and earthquakes?

or drinking water contamination?

There is overwhelming evidence, studies and proof that fracking is dangerous. Why are you being so dishonest in your comments about it?

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