Is life really just working a 40 hour work week to savor a precious weekend over and over again until you die?

It's not all bad. You also get the rest of the day during the week, not just the weekend. I am pretty tired after a day of work, but that doesn't make relaxing any more difficult.

I've been unemployed, and underemployed before. My free time was completely meaningless. I didn't enjoy any of the things I once loved, became very depressed. Trust me it's better to be employed.

Now I work full time. My job isn't exactly my passion, but it's a good company that's been around for a long time, they treat us better than most. I get a fair amount of satisfaction by doing my part to make the business operate smoothly, and trying to help my coworkers. I have had soul crushing jobs before, but You don't need to be a test pilot or pediatric surgeon to find meaning from your work and live a good life.

I truly enjoy my time off, and make enough that I don't have to worry about bills, and can treat myself every once in awhile.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread