In light of the Fallout 4 announcement, Can we take a moment to remember /u/SandraReed - The Bethesda employee who leaked details regarding Fallout 4 in July 2014

No worries, this sub tries to keep the hot linking to other subs under control, sometimes to an annoying extent.

(I had a link here to the thread "As the now infamous /u/Tulzei[1] or /u/holycrapthatsfake[2] , I think I should clarify my thoughts on this "leak"" on the Fallout subreddit, but Rule 3 prevents that)

Alrighty, I read those and I disagreed. A lot of it was a lot of what you and I are arguing about - I can't prove they're wrong, they can't do that to me.

Most important is that Sandra Reed claims that there will only be a male main character, while the Kotaku leak (which came out earlier) contradicts that claim

What a lot of people are missing is she said that the main character would be male up to a certain point, which then unlocks the female option.

She also claimed that she herself leaked the Kotaku info, which means that either she's a bad liar or they changed plans to male-only in a couple weeks. The fact that the editor of the leak article said that it was not Sandra Reed who leaked that info makes the former more likely.

It could very possibly happen in a few weeks time - not that it would be fully implemented yet at that point. Again with the confirmation, Kotaku likely does not want to oust any leakers, them doing so on their own accord or not.

Also important is that she said that the alleged Xbox 360 and PS3 versions (which do not exist)

*might not. Stating that objectively is shooting yourself in the foot.

would come out a year after the game's release in October 2015... but also said that it would come out in December 2015 in the same post. So yeah, just a bad liar.

This is the only point that has been confirmed false, and I agree it's a big one. If not for that bit I'd have little to no reason to doubt the leak, other than it being a leak.

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