It be like that

China is asshole.

They are a dictatorship ran by Xinnie the Pooh (get it? he’s fat and yellow LOL). They even are committing genocide against the wiggers.

Sadly, reddit is filled with CCP propaganda. They say things like “The U.S. have a repeated history of lying about other countries when they have an economic incentive to do so. They fabricated ‘WMDs in Iraq’ when they really just wanted oil, made up the Gulf of Tonkin incident to justify a war to stop the spread of socialism in Vietnam, and invented a ton of bullshit to do coups across Latin America in the 1900s.” Luckily, I’m a free thinker, so I don’t fall for any of that (it’s just a coincidence that I started really being concerned about human rights in China when we officially entered the trade war with them).

Anyway, I don’t know why I bothered typing this out. Reddit is owned by China so this will definitely get deleted. Edit: wow, 10k upvotes! Thanks for the gold kind strangers!

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