So You Like Cheese?

I know im probably going to get downvoted for this but i felt it needed to be said, if it can help one person avoid a heart attack i'll be happy. So, I couldn't find the study in reference during the article, but I'm inclined to believe it's fake. Generally what these studies do is that they take people with already high cholesterol levels and high saturated fat intakes and feed them awful diets and find no correlation between said diet and heart disease.

What they don't tell you is that cholesterol intake has a tapering effect. The higher your cholesterol intake when you have high cholesterol already, the less of an effect it has on you. These studies usually take people with baseline cholesterol levels of ~200mg/dl, when they should be taking people in the healthy range of 50-70mg/dl. The people in the healthy range see much more dramatic increases in cholesterol levels, which is why some of these studies are a bit biased and dishonest in basic structure. They also tend to be funded by the dairy and egg industries, which we all know what outcome they would want their money to go toward.

Unless the studies controlled for that, it is most likely bad research that shouldn't be taken seriously.

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