Like drawing blood from a stone...

Fair enough, I think leaving it up is best :)

see that on some level psychosis is evident, which it is

No qualms with that. Mild, but present.

Buying your own anti-depressants is not rational behaviour. You are actively engaging in a really dangerous thing. If you're buying them on the darknet please reconsider how reckless that is.

I know most wouldn't, and probably shouldn't, buy their own ADs. My first GP appointment ended with him suggesting I came back with a list of anything I felt that would be helpful to prescribe. I did my research and compiled a list of a few drugs that I felt met my needs best, along with the pros and cons of others. I'd be happy to have it prescribed, but unfortunately it's not NICE approved. The first psych gave me a choice of two APs, however I declined them, based on my own research, the opinion of my dad, and now, the opinion of the consultant (higher ranked) psych. I'm not buying the AD on the darknet. It's coming from a UK clearweb supplier with published labs demonstrating purity and content.

its not in their interest to deliberately misdiagnose you

I don't feel it's deliberate. I do feel there is an element of confirmation bias (GP refers to CMHT, CPN spends most of the session just listening to my account of the experience, not having much opportunity to ask diagnostic questions and just goes with the GP's opinion of what it could possibly be, psych sees 2 people have said that so follows them) potentially. As the other poster mentioned, it can be hard to get all the information in a short amount of time. The other potential factors I mentioned above (deaths & robberies) haven't even been mentioned by me yet.

please can you clarify what you mean by buying your own anti-depressants, is it a clinical drug but non-prescribed or an alternative medicine?

Tianeptine. Approved in several advanced countries, not approved here (was almost generic by the time properties were noticed).

misinformation, you linked a uni campus self diagnosis check list pdf? How is that a valid source of information??

It's one valid source, KCL is one of the top medical schools in the UK.

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