Like Far Cry you say?

Also the Devil might have been self centered and all but he wasn't the one saying "I'vE cReAtEd yOu sO vEnErAtE mE aNd dO sTuFf mY wAy oR i'lL tUrN yaLL inTo SalT pIlLaRs"

Like yah, you give us fricking free will then complain when we use it? And you condemn people in an eternity of torture even thought they might have sinned due to their circumstances which were outside of their control as they might have been born into it without a choice?

Cmon, God is clearly the bad guy. I mean dude, if you want us to behave like mindless sheeps and be perfect and all actually make us that way.

of course this whole conjecture is based off of treating this whole thing as real and by taking the stuff I know about it literally, it was pointed out to me that the religion is mostly to be taken metaphorically and shit

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