Do you like living in your house/apartment/dorm? Why or why not?

I have a love-hate relationship with my flat.

It's in an "up and coming" area of my city so it's not as run down or dangerous as it used to be. We get a two bedroom flat with a huge living room for the price of a small one bed in a more "desirable" part of the city (west end) so we have a lot more space.

But even with that much space, I feel like it isn't enough because there isn't much in the way of actual storage. Book shelves are full to bursting. My husband leaves his clothes/belongings EVERYWHERE for months and it feels like as soon as we tidy, everything is messy again the next week. I've given up tidying to the standard I'd like because I just don't see the point. We need more storage space for sure.

Also my neighbours are really starting to drive me mad. On one side in another building we have a group of selfish younger people who have parties or karaoke even on a week night. I'm at an age now where I want to relax on an evening without minimal disturbances so it's stressing me out having to sit there turning our own TV up and up to be able to hear it over their shitty singing and guitar playing. We've reported them a couple of times but they always pipe up again eventually.

Then there's the woman on the same landing as us who leaves her stinky bin bags on her door step for days. The communal bins aren't exactly far away yet apparently it's too much effort to pick up her shit and walk down the stairs! I have a very low tolerance to bad smells and have come close to throwing up. I wish she'd stink out her own flat for a change. Plus we can hear her staying up half the night just LAUGHING so loudly through our bedroom wall. After months of this I make less effort to be quiet during sex because fuck it, she keeps me awake when I have work in the morning!

In addition we had a pest problem last year that kind of taints the place for me. It's a beautiful Edwardian building with high ceilings and large rooms but I'm leaning 60% in favour of getting a new place now. I think I'm ready for a house where there aren't as many annoying people around. I think I want to live in a quiet area so city living might be over for me as well.

/r/AskWomen Thread