I like making music. What do you like to make?

One about a scary fridge!

I once told this story to some friends out on a midnight walk in Toronto, and they said it was quite scary and that I should write it up. I forgot about it until yesterday when I decided I should start writing it up! It's such a silly story, I don't know if I can do it justice. I am better at vocal delivery than I am at writing so I am worried it will sound tame.

This whole endeavor to write short stories and get better at writing is aimed at writing a novella for an idea that my mind has been suffering for 12 years now and when you get to that level of investment into some project, it's impossible to just do it because the writing has to do it complete justice. Hopefully one day, I'll write and be at peace.

About research, I am an astrophysicist/engineer, but I love all academic disciplines which means I need an outlet for research/creativity in fields not related to my career. I spent the last 6 months designing a blog to suit my needs completely - tried to pour as much of me in it as I could and my friends now tell me the theme of the blog is obviously "me" so that's good. Currently I am touching up my first official blog post - which is a scientific analysis of why humans are not immortal. It bothered me that after a couple billion years of evolution, longevity was not selected for. So, I did some fun axiomatic simulations on a supercomputer I have access to and am writing up my independent mini-research on what prevents lifespan-increase from being evolutionarily selected for.

I wanted to start with something light and simple, hence why I picked that. The next one will either be my attempt at building a strategy AI (something I have been tinkering with in my spare time) or explaining through generative simulation how currencies naturally emerge in a society that trades amongst itself (and do not have a prior fiat currency).

I should also finished this unfinished short story about a priest who has lost faith and meets the devil (it was interesting to me because the devil can't possibly do anything since the priest has already lost faith, and the priest isn't really going to resist devil-propaganda because he has lost faith - so what will they talk about? I found that fun to write about)

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