"Like Peterson, many of these hyper-masculinist thinkers saw compassion as a vice and urged insecure men to harden their hearts against the weak (women and minorities) on the grounds that the latter were biologically and culturally inferior."

You misread my statement. I will defend my home and my family to the death with my firearms...

However, when petulant children take to the streets with shields and mace, I stay home.

I live near Charlottesville, and if I had my way about it, all those fucking Nazis and Antifa would've been locked in a cage and forced to fight it out until all perished in a sea of ideologue blood. Rather than joining the two-party circle-jerk I stayed home quietly, ready to open fire if any of them showed up at my doorstep.

You don't know me, buddy. You're not gonna be able to call me out with a dead-accurate condemnation just based on this exchange wherein I troll assholes to procrastinate on the day's workload.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Parent Link - nybooks.com