It's Like Poetry. It Rhymes. - Writer credits for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi show)

I thought the plot was that Boba finally has a family. He even overcame a father figure.and mentor, they reference his longing as a child, his acceptance into the tribe that was vanquished, and he removed the same threat against his new family.

Admittedly, that could have been done better. But is in the style of old pulp movies and westerns. It safrificed the Family part for cool factor, and if they leaned a bit the other way, it could have been special.

So I don't think it abandoned the plot. It just didn't do a good job of pushing the plot. Even the Jedi part was there to emphasize the juxtaposition of attachments and illustrated the importance of attachments and family (relationships) while doing it.

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