Like ripping a hole in a finished sweater then covering the hole w/ duct tape.

Yes, there is an unfortunate trend of mediocre writers going back into a franchise's past and retconning for their own egos, combined with dumb corpo types who think New Coke was a good idea.

Star Trek: Picard is an old fool, all the dilithium in the galaxy exploded, there is poverty in a post-scarcity future, and really it was all Michael Burnham's doing in the past.

Dr. Who: Time Lords actually stole their powers from a little girl and time traveling comes from Planet Time.

MCU: "Kang Willed It." Every moment is preordained and the Infinity Stones are office paperweights.

Warhammer 40k: Actually this Mechanicus guy has been working on a secret plan for 10,000 years but nobody heard of him before now.

And so on. There is a reason why people would rather not see any reboots or continuations of their favorite properties anymore.

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