Like a semi-productive member of society

Gascoigne kicked my ass so many times. If you want a tip/guide, here's what I ended up doing: As soon as you enter the 'boss-area', go to the right, and there'll be a bunch of headstones connected to, or around a tree. He'll try to hit you through the stones if you're standing opposite to him, and you can use the long version of your weapon to hit him (I used power attacks), after which he will probably chase you, and if you're a giant coward like I was, you can just keep running around the stones (most of his gun-attacks will be absorbed by the trees/stones), and grind down his HP when he tries to attack you. The last 10-15 times I died before beating him, I did this and lost practically no health during his 1st and 2nd phase (it doesn't work when he goes into the 3rd one). When he's crouching and he goes into his final form, sprint up the stairs and wait for him on the other side of the railing. He'll (most of the time) try to attack you once (through the railing), before turning the corner and going after you. After his initial attack (or you can time it to when he comes up the stairs), you can hit him with a power-attack. After you've hit him, run to the end of the path, and you can drop down to a small ledge before jumping down to the tombstones as well. As it takes him some time to drop down from here, you can use this time to heal yourself and whatnot. When he's jumped down himself (or is on the ledge), simply run up the stairs again and wait for him, rinse and repeat. FYI, You don't necessarily have to attack him through the railing, or at the top of the stairs, I just found it easier at the time. You have ample room to dodge his attack along the path at the top of the stairs, but that leaves less room to create some distance between you and him, when you're trying to jump down onto the ledge. Hope this helps

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