Do you like your body? Do you think cis folk like their bodies the same way? Does being gay change this?

Do you like your body?

I have gynecomastia. It started 40 years ago, back when puberty beat me up in a dark alley, back when Nixon was President. It took me decades to become comfortable inside my own skin. So the answer to that question would have been different based on what decade you asked that question.

Lastly, does being gay affect your appreciation of your body, or being hetero? Does being attracted to members of your own gender mean in some ways you can be attracted or appreciate your own features differently?

I have always been attracted to women. Women smell right, taste right and are soft in all the right places. In contrast, men don't smell right, don't taste right and are hard in all the wrong places. Having a penis, this means/implies that I'm hetero. Having larger boobs than some of my girlfriends as well as being quite feminine/effeminate means that I'm somewhat closer to "femme lesbian" than "hetero" (which could explain why many friends are lesbians and that half my girlfriends would score 4-5 on the Kinsey scale). Are you confused yet? Welcome tomy club. I get along much better with women than with men - so much better that I don't bother trying to be friends with men (exception: coworkers).

Is that a perspective unique to trans people, a greater appreciation for a body that matches our identity after a lifetime of it not matching and feeling like it never would?

I'm not sure. I've been wrestling with my body for a very long time. Longer than many posters in this form. I don't have an answer foryou. Not that I have an answer for me yet.

TL;DR - shit is complicated and I should not post when drunk.

/r/asktransgender Thread